Volunteering for Adults

This includes who to contact and recruitment procedure

Find out more from the Award: Volunteer Roles for Adults

Our volunteers love creating a positive, supportive environment that’s bristling with energy for participants. They support the DofE’s overall mission and help run DofE centres and groups, helping young people to achieve their full potential.

There are many different roles for our volunteers – have a look to see what you could do:

DofE Co-ordinators

These people set up and manage the DofE in a centre. If you become a Co-ordinator, you’ll support your Leaders and oversee all groups.

DofE Leaders

Our Leaders are responsible for a DofE group. You’ll lead, guide, inspire and encourage young people, agree their programme choices and approve their progress and pictures in eDofE.

DofE Assessors

Assessors check on a young person’s progress and agree the completion of a section of their programme. You’ll need knowledge of the activity they’re doing and approve their progress and pictures in eDofE.

In the Expedition section, qualifying expeditions must be assessed by a competent adult who is approved by the Licensed Organisation and accredited by the DofE through the Expedition Assessor Accreditation Scheme.

DofE Supervisors

Supervisors are people with a good understanding of a participant’s chosen activity. You’ll help them set their goals and regularly meet with the young person to check on their progress, address any potential issues and adjust goals.

A Supervisor is essential for the Expedition section as they are responsible for supervising and supporting a team of participants to ensure their safety and well-being whilst they are doing their expedition.


Adults who can spare some time to help our DofE Leaders run a group can be a volunteer. You may give general support, i.e. admin, help run one section or give specific training.

Whilst not all volunteers will be involved in the detailed running of programmes everyone needs to ensure continuity throughout, share responsibilities and maintain the overall quality of the DofE experience.

In Dorset, without the support of volunteers such as yourself many, many young people would be unable to take part in the Award, and so your support is much appreciated by all involved.

In the “Pack” that is below you will find information and support materials that will help you to understand your role and to access the training and support you will need. Please take some time to explore the contents and do let us know if there is any additional information that you would like to have.

If you want anything printed off, then let us know and we will ensure you get a copy.

There are several training requirements for new volunteers, details of which can be found below. It is important that training is undertaken as soon as possible as it needs to be completed, ideally, within six months of your first appointment. If you have any difficulty accessing the planned courses do get in touch. Please remember to record any training or qualification courses undertaken and to send us a scan of your certificates or evidence of completion to enable us to update your Leader records.

1. DC Volunteer DofE Adult Recruitment Process

2. DC Contacts and Useful Links

3. DC Volunteer DofE Adult Application form

4. DC Volunteer DofE Adult ID Check

5. DC Volunteer DofE Criminal records declaration HR14

6. Volunteer DofE Safeguarding Policy Outdoor Education 2021

Further volunteer information/forms:

Access eDofE training (and other videos) here: YouTube: theDofEUK

DofE e-training: New Learning Platform

DC Volunteer DofE Adult Exped Ldr Training Route

DC Volunteer DofE Adult Expenses Guidance

DC Travel Subsistence claim form for non employees

DC Volunteer DofE Adult Staff Code of Conduct

Minibus Driving

DC Volunteer Driving Licence Health Declaration-2021

DC Volunteer Driver Risk Assessment Form 2021

DC Driving at Work Policy March 2021

Dorset Council Drivers Manual April 2021